APARTMENT THERAPY // interior photography

I am so excited to share the news that I've accepted a freelance photography role with Apartment Therapy!! Their site has always been a huge inspiration for me and my home decor and now I'm even more excited to contribute to their Home Tours. I never fancied myself a journalist, but this has been such an amazing experience so far!

Having just moved to Nashville when this opportunity arose, I thought it might be a great way to meet new people. I would find beautiful homes, meet their super talented, stylish owners, connect over our love of design and Apartment Therapy and become friends. Yay! Done. Or at LEAST I would grow my experience as an interior photographer. Win-win, right?!

But you guys. My plan totally worked! I've met some of the most wonderful people through this job! On my very first assignment, I met Erin who lives just 5 minutes from me and has decorated this beautiful carriage house. We bonded over our love of plants and before I left we'd made a coffee date! Friendship success. 

Below is a little sneak peek of her home. For the full tour, visit Apartment Therapy!